中文片名:馬達加斯加 英文片名:Madagascar 國別:美國 類型:喜劇、動畫 導演:Eric Darnell(小蟻雄兵) 編劇:Mark Burton、 Billy Frolick 配音:班史提勒 Ben Stiller(親家路窄)、克里斯洛克 Chris Rock(烏龍元首)、潔達蘋史密斯 Jada Pinkett-Smith(落日殺神)、大衛史威莫 David Schwimmer(六天七夜) 發行公司:夢工廠 英文官方網站:Madagascar-themovie.com 中文官方網站:http://www.uip.com.tw/madagascar/ 劇情簡介: 紐約中央公園動物園內,獅子、斑馬、長頸鹿與河馬是最要好的朋友,然而一名 同伴莫名失蹤後,另外三個決定掙脫牢籠找回好友歸隊,卻發現他們一同被送往馬達加斯加島的途中,當他們再度逃脫後,這群從小被人類養大的寵物要開始學習如何成為真正的野生動物。
Television reporter Angela Vidal (Jennifer Carpenter) and her cameraman (Steve Harris) are assigned to spend the night shift with a Los Angeles Fire Station. After a routine 911 call takes them to a small apartment building, they find police officers already on the scene in response to blood curdling screams coming from one of the apartment units. They soon learn that a woman living in the building has been infected by something unknown. After a few of the residents are viciously attacked, they try to escape with the news crew in tow, only to find that the CDC has quarantined the building. Phones, internet, televisions and cell phone access have been cut-off, and officials are not relaying information to those locked inside. When the quarantine is finally lifted, the only evidence of what took place is the news crew’s videotape. 類 型:懸疑/驚悚、恐怖 導 演:約翰艾瑞克道鐸John E. Dowdle 演 員:【驅魔】珍妮佛卡本Jennifer Carpenter、【恐怖旅社】傑赫南德茲Jay Hernandez